Bakey Bakes Turns 1

On July 2nd our little Blakey turned 1! ONE! Its a few months later and I still can't believe my little colicky snuggle bug is that old. And almost a big sister... but that is another story....

^^if i had to have a favorite thing about being a mother it would be watching my girls be best friends

^^the perfect place for her to be. on any given day i will come out and find her just like this... so proud of herself on top of some piece of furniture!

It was a pretty low key day. We went to church and then had my uncle and his family over for cake and ice cream. I made Laurel an outfit for her first birthday but dang morning sickness made amazon my best friend for this little one's birthday! 

We all thought for sure she would plow face first into the cake (she lays and puts her face on pretty much anything she likes) but she must not have liked the cake because she would just delicately touch the frosting, lick it offer her finger and do it again! This one is always full of surprises, and keeps me on my toes! 

When Blake walks into a room and you make eye contact with her she smiles so big and comes running for you. Anything that gives her attention is kind of her favorite. She LOVE Moana and Little Baby Bum on Netflix. Sings and dances with Laurel on the daily. Went straight from crawling to running. Literally. Has a smile that people always stop me to comment on. Gives a new meaning to stubborn and sassy. And we sure love her to pieces!

I think Laurel liked Blake's birthday more than Blake did. Ever since she thinks everyday is her birthday. She wants Alexa to sing to her and makes sure to tell me she wants grandma to dance with her again on her birthday (my mom was here last year for her birthday and she remembers) dood bear (my sister Hannah) aunt Elizabeth, her friend Rebekah, and her kids (my uncles kids). I don't think her birthday could come soon enough after celebrating Blake!

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