oh hi there. again.

I have decided that I am really good at starting up my blog over and over and over again. But not as good at actually being consistent with it. 
So that is my new goal. Consistency. Something I think I am good at, but my actions tell otherwise...

A quick recap of the last 18 months.

Conrad Dean joined our family on January 11, 2018. He is pure magic. And his birth was even better. His sisters are still completely smitten with him. 

We LOVE our Rad-Rad. So far I am loving being a boy mom too. It was something that I was totally scared of for.... forever. But I love my little boyfriend! 

I adjusted to being a mom to 3 kids 3 and under. It was insane for quite a while. But I love how close the kids are. I love watching them be siblings and hope they stay close friends as they grow up.

We went on a lot of adventures. In July we had a family reunion with all my siblings in Coure'd Alene. Went to the beach in Carlsbad with Rhett's family later that month. 

In September Rhett was offered a job in Idaho! We moved back to Boise around Halloween and we froze our booties' off all winter. But it has been so fun to be around family and have so much to do with the kids! Even if I was freezing it has been so fun to have seasons again!

^^conrad turned 1

^^laurel started preschool in idaho

^^Christmas morning

^^family hiking

^^ saying goodbye to her best friend lily

 ^^saying goodbye to our first home

^^saying goodbye to our dog goldie. it has been rough. the girls still talk about her EVERY SINGLE DAY

^^ little BFF's

^^laurel HAD to have a rainbow unicorn cake for her birthday. with candy in the middle. i tried my best....

We have been so blessed the past year a half. I am so grateful for my family and the tender mercies the Lord gives me daily. 

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