big sister laurel babe

my sister elizabeth brought laurel back about an hour after blake was born. this was honestly wthat i was most nervous about. i really didn't know how laurel would react.
she came into the room and really wanted nothing to do with me or blake. i was kinda sad, but i couldn't really blame her. i was still hooked up to all kinda of machines and she just wanted her dad. she is a daddy's girl through and through.
they hung out for a little while and she finally gave me a hug and a kiss. then beth took her home.
the next day when laurel came to the hospital she was more herself. she wanted to see the baby but not touch her. and she wanted to come and snuggle with me, so i was happy about that! she left for nap time and when she came back after she was obsessed with blake! she wanted to hold her (kinda) and wanted to touch her and look at her.
smitten. completely smitten.
i knew this family of 4 things was going to be good.

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