baby number three

Most everyone knows, but baby number THREE will be joining our family January 2018! We are thrilled and terrified all at the same time. 

^^how i feel most days about it... what am i supposed to do with another one??  haha!

^^our excitement to finally meet our new little babe

We have decided not to find out the gender! Which I was really excited for at first, but it is kind of killing me now. It was so hard during the ultrasound!! But then I thought I was good to go! Well I went to my doctors appointment a few days later and the dr told me that they never put the gender in the ultrasound report. BUT THEY PUT IT IN MINE. So I could look at my patient portal any day and find out. Literally killing me and testing my self control. I have tried to figure out if I could find out and not tell anyone. But I can't so.... I will keep holding out! haha.

Laurel turns 3 in October and this baby is due in January. So we will have three 3 and under. I'm slightly terrified. But mostly excited to meet this little babe. I have been thinking it is a girl since the beginning and Laurel has been tell us it is a girl since before I was pregnant. So girl vote for me. But I guess we will find out in January! 

Bring on the craziness!

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